Through our partners and allies around the world, we use innovative tools that allow us to optimize our services.

Analytics Aims

Continuously checks for staff, passengers, transit abd working conditions.

Based on ISO 31000 principles, this system allows airports and institutions to perform an effective analysis of risk factors.

It offers a set of survey forms to the general public or to the entire staff, through a user-friendly interface and a quick compilation of information for the detection and rating of the risk factors determined by your organization.

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About Analytics Aims
Operations mode and overall work process.

ANALYTICS AIMS, is a system for risk integrated with all the products of SUITE AIMS for complete airport management or it can be used as a stand-alone product. 

Risk analysis is a component that is very present in decision making, as it is essential to evaluate the pros and cons of different elements that interact or may interact with each other, making its use very broad and can be applied to each of the decisions that people or companies make on a daily basis. Recent studies determine that systems like ours are ideal to prevent unexpected incidents or to preventively analyze risk factors within an organization. 

ANALYTICS AIMS can be used to evaluate elements with value scales placed by people who know their environment, to help in making those decisions or to measure the performance of an organization or activity.

Factors detection

It is possible to configure the platform to analyze and compare different variables that affect the good development of your institution and are directly associated to the passengers or to the different factors that make life inside the institution, such as concessionaires or workers, in order to obtain a risk or goal rating in real time.

Calculation of factors

Using international standardization (ISO 31000) as a guide, our customized calculation engine compares all elements and their results and then displays them in a filtered, colored and graphical way.

Risks alerts

Analitycs Aims can automatically send messages and notifications when the values of the risk factors configured in the platform reach the parameters established by each organization.



With the advice of our professionals or according to a specific need, each organization determines which factors (main and determinant) they wish to compare and assign different weightings, as well as the frequency of evaluation.


All data is processed in compliance with the strictest security protocols using encrypted transmission with SSL certificates and is ciphered and controlled by the airport authorities with our support.



For the implementation of Analitycs Aims, contingency elements have been defined to guarantee a high availability of the service in case of electrical or communication failures. Additionally, it provides great flexibility to the authorities that decide to implement it, allowing integration with a mobile application and Virtual Kiosk devices in their facilities for data collection.


We guarantee 24/7 technical support, without the need for specialized deployment. Our remote training programs allow us to train the client’s personnel and through remote access solve any inconvenience in an efficient way, as well as to install the requested updates or adaptations.