Through our partners and allies around the world, we use innovative tools that allow us to optimize our services.
Pax Aims
Keep a record of all passengers in any port facility.

Three simple steps to audit passenger lists.
Deploying fixed or mobile checkpoints you will keep a record of passengers entering port facilities.
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About Pax Aims
Operations mode and overall work process.
PAX AIMS work stand-alone or alongside PAY AIMS as part of the SUITE AIMS.
PAX AIMS helps airports and seaports auditing the quantity of passenger that access the port to board an airplane or ships, deploying checkpoint to scan boarding passes and allow to concessionnaires the validation of the boarding list. Once the reviewers agree, the billing process starts.
Boarding pass
Any transportation company emits a boarding pass to their passengers and collects on behalf of the port, associated taxes and services fees.
Scan passengers boarding passes on borders or security control points. The port will log non-sensitive data about passenger transit.
Audit passenger transit data, filtering by concessionary over time or a specific itinerary, generate a report and send to Pay AIMS and start the process to collect debt.
Keep sight on passenger transit, organized by time or other categories, and graphically represented.
On checkpoints, scan boarding passes with real-time transmission and validation, or in case of communication failure, work offline until connection recovery, missing no data.
Get a list of all flights logged by the system, allowing the operator to close or cancel them to control validation and registry of boarding passes.
The system allows the registry of various types of users that represents accordingly all the parts involved in the process: Airlines/Cruise-lines, Airports/Seaports, Checkpoint (Handheld scanner or stand-alone scanner).
Get detailed information of the process results over flights/ships and scanned boarding passes organized by date, number, airline/cruise-line or type.